mercredi 28 février 2018

Interesting... Interested...

French speakers often misuse the word interesting because it has two senses in French:

Definitions of intéressant
Digne d’intérêt.
Des lectures intéressantes .
Des profits intéressants .
In English we only use the word "interesting" to mean "digne d'intérêt". It is only about what your mind likes to think about. If you are talking about money you must always say profitable or advantageous in English.

Remember to say "I am interested in..." not "I am interesting in..." 

See this explanation.

mardi 27 février 2018

Verbes essentiels pour les débutants

J'ai deux adultes qui apprennent à utiliser des verbes. C'est leur liste essentielle.

am / is / are
have / has
need / want (would like)


Go / Come
Look / Watch

Il y a beaucoup de phrases que vous pouvez faire avec ces verbes.

Can you come today?
Yes, I can come today.

Can you help me?
Yes, I can help you?

Can you call me? 
Yes, I can call you.

Do you need help?
Yes, I need help.

samedi 24 février 2018

Can you name...

these kitchen tools?

potato masher
oven mitt
cutting board
hot pad
can opener
soup ladle
bottle opener
wooden spoon
butter knife
dessert spoon

vendredi 23 février 2018

Preparing for a job interview

Kevin, this is your prep for Wednesday. Have fun!

You will have a
mock job interview
based on the London-based store you selected.

Here are the basic interview questions:

1. Why are you interested in working for us?

2. Can you describe how you see our brand?

3. Our retail store has a laid-back vibe but our sales are brisk and work on the floor is demanding. Do you have work experience in a similar environment? Can you describe this work experience?

4. How would you describe your approach to sales (that is, dealing with customers face-to-face)?

5. Imagine that you have a young customer (around 15 or 16) who is very indecisive and cannot choose between two kinds of jeans. How might you help that customer make a decision?

6. Do you believe that "The customer is always right"?

7. You have a customer who wants a new outfit for this spring. Something casual for Saturday afternoon going out with his girlfriend. What would you suggest from our new arrivals?

Now think of
3 questions
that you might like to ask your potential employer.

Flower Power Tower - the saga continues...

A&I are at it again, with their new series - Flower Power Tower! Stay tuned for all three episodes!

Flower Power Tower - Part 1

A is sad about her Flower Power sign, but I reminds her that they made plans for a more enduring way to celebrate Flower Power - with a monument! The Flower Power Tower!

Flower Power Tower - Part 2

Yes, Colleen has a new student over Skype today. She'll need her white board for sure. So A&I have to say good-bye to their Flower Power sign. But that's OK. Because they have a new Flower Power Tower! Peace! Love! Flower Power!!!

Flower Power Tower - Part 3

Oh oh. Guess who's coming to visit? Yes, The Tie Guy. Will he be nice? Will he like A&I's new Flower Power Tower?

How many? How much?

How many...?

compter les choses (pluriel) - mots avec "s"

cars do you own?
children in your family?
kilometers is it to Bagnoles de l'Orne?
apples are in that bag?
books are on the shelf?
people are in the room?
days until vacation?
hours does the trip take?

How much...

mots sans "s"

time do you have?
money do you have? 
does it cost? 
stuff is there?
gas do you need?
sugar do you take?
milk do we have? 
food does your cat eat? 
traffic was there?
paper do you need?
can you carry?

demander un prix

How much is it?
How much are they?
How much does it cost?
How much is a loaf of bread?
How much are the shoes? 
How much for the meal?
How much do you charge?

jeudi 22 février 2018

Asking questions - 6W + How?

Who? Qui?
What? Quelle?
When? Quand?
Where? Où?
Why? Pourquoi?

Listen to this great song!

Which? Lequel?

How? Comment?

How many? (number = le nombre) Combien?
How much? (quantity = quantité) Combien?

How old? Quel âge?
How far? À quelle distance?
How often? À quelle fréquence?
How big? De quelle taille?
How heavy? Comme c'est lourd?
How long? Combien de temps?
How high? Combien haut?
How deep? Quelle est la profondeur?
How useful? Comment utile?
How fast? À quelle vitesse?

mercredi 21 février 2018

Renting a car

Lorsque vous voyagez, il est souvent nécessaire de louer une voiture.
Voici quelques phrases utiles et exemples de dialogues.

Trouver une location de voiture à l'aéroport:

Where is the car rental booth?

Where can I rent a car?

Demander une voiture:

Can I rent a car?

I would like to rent a car.

Do you have cars available?

Si vous avez une réservation:

Hi. I reserved a rental for today.

I have a car reserved.

Ils peuvent dire:

Sorry, we have no cars available today.

What kind of car would you like?

What type of car do you need?

We have: 

Vous pourriez dire:

How much is the mid size SUV?

How many does the minivan seat?

I'll take the minivan.

dimanche 18 février 2018

Food allergens

There are 14 major allergens which need to be mentioned on a menu when they are used in a restaurant.
Il y a 14 allergènes majeurs qui doivent être mentionnés sur un menu quand ils sont utilisés dans un restaurant.

Here are the allergens and where they are found.
Voici les allergènes et où ils sont trouvés.

The 14 common food allergies:

1. Celery
This includes celery stalks, leaves, seeds and the root called celeriac. 
You can find celery in celery salt, salads, some meat products, soups and stock cubes.

2. Gluten
Wheat, rye, barley and oats (cross-contaminated).
Found in flour, some types of baking powder, batter, breadcrumbs, bread, cakes, couscous, meat products, pasta, pastry, sauces, soups.

3. Shellfish (Crustaceans)
Crabs, lobster, prawns and scampi are crustaceans. 
Shrimp paste is an allergen in this group.

4. Eggs
Eggs are often found in cakes, some meat products, mayonnaise, mousses, pasta, quiche, sauces and pastries or foods brushed or glazed with egg.

5. Fish
Fish dishes and sauces, pizzas, relishes, salad dressings, stock cubes and Worcestershire sauce.

6. Lupin

Lupin flour and seeds can be used in some types of bread, pastries and even in pasta.

7. Lactose
Lactose is found in butter, cheese, cream, milk powders and yoghurt. It can also be found in foods brushed or glazed with milk, and in powdered soups and sauces.

8. Molluscs
These include mussels, land snails, squid and whelks, but can also be commonly found in oyster sauce or as an ingredient in fish stews.

9. Mustard
Liquid mustard, mustard powder and mustard seeds. May be found in breads, curries, marinades, meat products, salad dressings, sauces and soups.

10. Nuts
Nuts grow on trees. Examples are cashew nuts, almonds and hazelnuts. You can find nuts in breads, biscuits, crackers, desserts, nut powders (often used in Asian curries), stir-fried dishes, ice cream, marzipan (almond paste), nut oils and sauces.

11. Peanuts
Peanuts are a legume and grow underground. Peanuts are often used as an ingredient in biscuits, cakes, curries, desserts, sauces (satay sauce), groundnut oil and peanut flour.

12. Sesame seeds
These seeds can be found in bread (on hamburger buns or bagels), breadsticks, hummous, sesame oil and tahini. Sometimes toasted and used in salads.

13. Soy / Soya
Found in oriental foods such as: bean curd, edamame beans, miso paste, textured soya protein, soya flour or tofu. It can be found in desserts, ice cream, meat products, sauces and vegetarian products.

14. Sulphites
Used in dried fruit such as raisins, dried apricots and prunes. Sometimes found in meat products, soft drinks, and vegetables as well as in wine and beer. 

Norwegian menu

Voici un menu de Bergen, Norvège. Essayons de le traduire!


1 - gluten, 2 - shellfish (crustaceans), 3 - egg, 4 - fish, 5 - peanuts, 6 - soya, 7 - lactose, 8 - nuts,
9 - celery, 10 - mustard, 11 - sesame seeds, 12 - sulphites, 13 - lupin, 14 - molluscs

Flatbread & Crispbread

(1 - wheat & oats, 7 - butter)

Bread & Butter

(1 - wheat & oats, 7 - butter)

Turnip, radish & tarragon

115, -
(1 & 10)

Virgin Herring
Onion and potato
(1, 4, 7 - sour cream)

Lightly Smoked Fish
Cauliflower, dill & lemon

(4, 7 - sour cream)

Roast Beef
Herb salad, fresh cheese & walnuts

(8 - walnuts & 7 - fresh cheese)

Confit Chicken from Hornlagarden
Broccoli & lovage 

(7 - butter, cream & milk)

Pickled leeks and bacon

(4, 7 - butter)

Local Fish
Vegetable frikassé

(4 & 7 - butter)

Braised Lamb
Potato cake, onion & cabbage

(1 wheat & 7 - sour cream)

Neck of Pork
Grilled cabbage & watercress

(7 - butter)

Beer and Meat Stew

(1 barley & 7 - butter)

Local Bacon

(7 - butter)

Cheese Plate
Local cheeses

(1 wheat & oat, 7)

Sharing Many
The kitchen decides


3 courses 275,-
4 courses 325,-


4 courses 325,-
6 courses 525,-

Prices per person.
(Suitable for parties over 2 persons.)

Beer pairing 6 courses
Price per person

Norwegian specialities

My student Lucie will be going to Norway soon to work as a waitress. I was doing some research into the items on the menu. One type of "Scandinavian tapas" is "virgin herring". Here is an explanation from the Nofirma research institute that developed this new treatment of herring.

Mon étudiante Lucie ira bientôt en Norvège pour travailler comme serveuse. Je faisais des recherches sur les éléments du menu. Un type de "tapas scandinaves" est le "hareng vierge". Voici une explication de l'institut de recherche "Nofirma" qui a développé ce nouveau traitement du hareng.

Virgin herring is made from the same raw material as Matjessild. The Dutch word “Maatjes” means virginal. Herring used for matjessild and virgin herring are three year old mature herring that have not yet developed roe or milt. This herring contains a lot of healthy fat.
Only the best herring may be used as a raw material, and matjessild production has become a major industry in Norway. Every year around 140 million matjessild are produced along the Norwegian coast. It is important for the raw material that the herring is fat and that it has eaten copepod. Copepod ensures that the fish is full of enzymes. These ensure a fast tenderization process that has to be stopped at the right time by freezing the herring.
"Hareng vierge" est fabriqué à partir de la même matière première que "Matjessild". Le mot néerlandais "Maatjes" signifie virginal. Le hareng utilisé pour le hareng maquereau et le hareng vierge sont des harengs matures de trois ans qui n'ont pas encore produit d'œufs ou de laitance. Ce hareng contient beaucoup de graisse saine.
Seul le meilleur hareng peut être utilisé comme matière première, et la production de matjessild est devenue une industrie majeure en Norvège. Chaque année, environ 140 millions de matjessild sont produites le long de la côte norvégienne. Il est important pour la matière première que le hareng soit gros et qu'il ait mangé du copépode. Copépode s'assure que le poisson est plein d'enzymes. Ceux-ci assurent un processus d'aération rapide qui doit être arrêté au bon moment en congelant le hareng.

samedi 17 février 2018

Common greetings, pleasantries in English

Saying hello.

Hello - formal
Hi - informal
Hey - very informal - you have met before
Heyya - very informal - you have met before
Hiya - very informal - you have met before
Hey man - very very informal, usually just for guys who are friends
Good to see you - Good ta see ya.
Nice to see you. - Nice ta see ya.
Nice to meet you. (Formal. First time meeting).
Pleased to meet you. (Formal. First time meeting).
Good morning.
Morning. (informal)
Good afternoon.
Good evening.
Long time, no see. (Informal - they haven't seen you for a while.)
Hey. It's been a while. (Informal - they haven't seen you for a while.)

RESPONSE: Hello. Hi. Yeah, it's been a while. Etc.

Asking how someone is, how is their work, etc.

How are you? (Formal)
How do you do? (VERY formal)
How are you doing? ** sounds like ** Howya doin?
How have you been? ** sounds like ** Howya bin?
How are things? ** sounds like ** How'r things?
How is everything? ** sounds like ** Howz everything?
How's it going? ** sounds like ** Howzit goin?
How's life? ** sounds like ** Howz life?
How's work? ** sounds like ** Howz work?
How's school? ** sounds like ** Howz school?

RESPONSE: Fine. Fine, thanks. Good. Great. Super. OK. Not bad.

Asking in other ways...

What's new? ** often sounds like ** S'new?
What's up? ** often sounds like ** S'up?
What's going on? ** sounds like ** What's goin on? OR S'goin on?
How is your day? ** sounds like ** Howz yer day?
How is your day going? ** sounds like ** Howz yer day goin?

RESPONSE: Not much. The usual. Same old, same old. Nothing new.

Saying good-bye

Good night!
See ya!
See you later! See ya later!
See you soon! Hope to see you again soon! See ya soon! Hope ta see ya again soon!

RESPONSE: Good-bye. Good night! Etc.

Common expressions in a restaurant

1. The guest

  • A table for two, please.
  • May we sit at this table?
  • The menu, please.
  • What are today's specials?
  • Is the curried chicken hot (that is - spicy!)?
  • We're not ready to order yet.
  • The steak for me, please.
  • Can we have some ketchup?
  • A salad, please.
  • I'll have the same.
  • That's all, thank you.
  • Can I have the bill, please?
  • I'm paying.
  • Here you are.
  • Keep the change.
  • Do you have wine by the glass?
  • I'd prefer red wine.
  • Please bring us another beer.
  • Could I have French fries instead of mashed potatoes?
  • What would you recommend?
  • Please bring me the bill with my coffee.
  • I think you've made a mistake.

2. The waiter

  • Hi, I'm Lucie, I'll be your waitress today.
  • Can I help you?
  • Can I take your coat?
  • Have you booked a table?
  • Do you have a reservation?
  • How many in your party?
  • Follow me, please.
  • This way, please.
  • Can I take your order, sir/madam?
  • What would you like to start with?
  • What would you like to drink?
  • What would you like for dessert?
  • How would you like your steak? (rare, medium, well done)
  • Do you want a salad with it?
  • What kind of dressing would you like? Italian, French, just olive oil and lemon.
  • Anything to drink?
  • Do you want a dessert?
  • The burgers are very good.
  • I would recommend the fish special. 
  • Sorry, the fish is finished (sold out - no more left).
  • Is everything all right?
  • Did you enjoy your meal?
  • Do you want separate bills?
  • Do you want everything on one bill?
  • May I show you to a table?
  • Please wait, there'll be a table free in a few minutes.
  • Do you want vegetables with it?
  • Why don't you try the pizza?
  • It'll take about 20 minutes.

mardi 13 février 2018

It's Bedtime! Q&A for kids

This is a question and answer song or game to play with kids before bed.
Ceci est une question et une chanson ou un jeu pour jouer avec les enfants avant de se coucher.
© ME!

It's bedtime! Whatcha gonna do?

We are gonna put on PJs! 
Put on-put on-put on-put on-PJs!

It's bedtime! Whatcha gonna do?

We are gonna brush our teeth! 
Brush our-brush our-brush our-brush our-teeth!

It's bedtime! Whatcha gonna do? 

We are gonna drink some water! 
Drink some-drink some-drink some-drink some-water!

It's bedtime! Whatcha gonna do? 

We are gonna read a book! 
Read a-read a-read a-read a book!

It's bedtime! Whatcha gonna do?

We are gonna say "Good night!" 
Say good-say good-say good-Say "Good night!"

Bedtime! A lullaby

Une "berceuse" est une chanson pour enfants que vous chantez avant d'aller vous coucher. La berceuse la plus célèbre pour l'heure du coucher est "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".

A "lullaby" is a song for children that you sing before they go to bed. The most famous lullaby for bedtime is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.

Scintille, scintille, petite étoile,
Comment je me demande ce que vous êtes!
Au-dessus du monde si haut,

Comme un diamant dans le ciel.


There is also a parody of this song written by Lewis Carroll.

Twinkle, twinkle, little bat!
How I wonder what you're at!
Up above the world you fly,
Like a tea tray in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle, little bat!
How I wonder what you're at!

Scintille, scintille, petite chauve-souris!
Comme je me demande ce que tu es!
Au-dessus du monde que tu vole,
Comme un plateau de thé dans le ciel.
Scintille, scintille, petite chauve-souris!

Comme je me demande ce que tu es!

vendredi 9 février 2018

Essential adverbs

Voici quelques adverbes utiles.

Accidentally = Accidentellement
Afterwards = Ensuite
Almost = Presque
Always = Toujours
Angrily = Avec colère
Badly = Mal
Briefly = Brièvement
Calmly = Calmement 
Carefully = Soigneusement
Cheerfully = Gaiement
Clearly = Clairement
Correctly = Correctement
Daily = du quotidien
Easily = Facilement
Even = Même
Eventually = Finalement
Exactly = Exactement
Far = Loin
Fast = Vite
Fortunately = Heureusement
Gladly = Volontier
Happily = Heureusement
Honestly = Honnêtement
Hourly = Horaire
Kindly = Gentiment
Loudly = Bruyamment
Nearly = Presque
Never = Jamais
Not = ne pas
Often = Souvent
Only = Seulement
Perfectly = à la perfection
Politely = Poliment
Poorly = Pauvrement
Quickly = Rapidement
Quietly = Tranquillement
Rarely = Rarement
Really = Vraiment
Regularly = Régulièrement
Repeatedly = À plusieurs reprises
Rudely = Grossièrement
Sadly = Malheureusement
Safely = Prudemment
Seldom = Rarement
Slowly = Lentement
Sometimes = Parfois
Soon = Bientôt
Suddenly = Soudainement
Too Aussi
Very = Très
Well = bien
Yearly = Annuel

Essential adjectives

Voici des adjectifs communs et utiles:

Annoyed = Agacé
Anxious = Anxieux
Ashamed = Honteux
Attractive = Attrayant
Average = Moyenne
Bitter = Amer
Bland = Fade
Bored = Ennuyé
Brave = Courageux
Bright = Brillant
Charming = Charmant
Cheerful = De bonne humeur
Clean = Nettoyer
Clear = Clair
Cloudy = Nuageux
Clumsy = Maladroit
Colorful = Coloré
Confused = Confus
Courageous = Courageux
Dangerous = Dangereux
Deep = Profond
Delicious = Délicieux
Depressed = Déprimé
Determined = Déterminé
Dirty = Sale
Disgusted = Dégoûté
Disturbed = Perturbé
Dull = Terne
Eager = Désireux
Elegant = Élégant
Embarrassed = Embarrassé
Encouraging = Encourageant
Energetic = Énergique
Enormous = Énorme
Enthusiastic = Enthousiaste
Envious = Envieux
Excited = Excité
Expensive = Coûteux
Fancy = De luxe
Fantastic = Fantastique
Fine = Bien
Flat = Plat
Foolish = Insensé
Fresh = Frais
Friendly = Amical
Frightened = Effrayé
Funny = Drôle
Fuzzy = Crépu
Gentle = Doux
Glamorous = Glamour
Greasy = Graisseux
Great = Génial
Grumpy = Grincheux
Handsome = Beau
Happy = Content
Healthy = En bonne santé
Helpful = Utile
High = Haute
Hollow = Creux
Huge = Énorme
Hungry = Affamé
Hurt = Blesser
Icy = Glacé
Ideal = Idéal
Itchy = Qui démange
Jealous = Jaloux
Kind = Gentil
Large = Grand
Lazy = Paresseux
Little = Peu
Lonely = Solitaire
Lucky = Chanceux
Mistaken = Trompé
Moody = De mauvaise humeur
Muddy = Boueux
Mysterious = Mystérieux
Narrow = Étroit
Nasty = Méchant
Naughty = Vilain
Nervous = Nerveux
Nice = Agréable
Nonsensical = Absurde
Nutritious = Nutritif
Odd = Impair
Old-fashioned = Démodé
Perfect = Parfait
Plain = Simple
Pleasant = Agréable
Proud = Fier
Repulsive = Repoussant
Ripe = Mûr
Rotten = Pourri
Rough = Rugueux
Round = Rond
Salty = Salé
Scary = Effrayant
Selfish = Égoïste
Sharp = Tranchant
Shiny = Brillant
Short = Court
Silly = Idiot
Skinny = Maigre
Sleepy = Somnolent
Slippery = Glissant
Small = Petit
Smiling = Souriant
Smooth = Lisse
Solid = Solide
Sore = Douloureux
Sorry = Désolé
Sour = Acide
Sparkling = Pétillant
Spicy = Épicé
Square = Carré
Stormy = Orageux
Straight = Tout droit
Strange = Étrange
Strong = Fort
Successful = Réussi
Super = Super
Sweet = Sucré
Tasty = Délicieux
Tense = Tendu
Terrible = Terrible
Thankful = Reconnaissant
Thick = Épais
Thoughtful = Réfléchi
Tight = Serré
Tired = Fatigué
Upset = Dérangé
Wonderful = Formidable
Worried = Inquiet
Yummy = Délicieux


Paralympics 2020