vendredi 23 février 2018

How many? How much?

How many...?

compter les choses (pluriel) - mots avec "s"

cars do you own?
children in your family?
kilometers is it to Bagnoles de l'Orne?
apples are in that bag?
books are on the shelf?
people are in the room?
days until vacation?
hours does the trip take?

How much...

mots sans "s"

time do you have?
money do you have? 
does it cost? 
stuff is there?
gas do you need?
sugar do you take?
milk do we have? 
food does your cat eat? 
traffic was there?
paper do you need?
can you carry?

demander un prix

How much is it?
How much are they?
How much does it cost?
How much is a loaf of bread?
How much are the shoes? 
How much for the meal?
How much do you charge?

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