samedi 3 février 2018

A&I - Dialogue 3: At the coffee shop

The dialogue:

I: Hey A!
A: Hi I!
I: Would you like a coffee?
A: Yeah. I would like an iced coffee.
I: OK. I'll go and order.
A: What would you like, I?
I: I will order an Irish coffee.

*****"I" goes to order...*****

A: Here comes I...
I: There you go. One iced coffee.
A: I say! That looks GREAT!
I: And for me - an Irish coffee.
A: Great!
I: Nice!
A: Thanks for the coffee I!
I: No problem, A. My pleasure!

*****They drink their coffees.*****

A: Well, bye I. Gotta fly!
I: Hey A. Have a nice day!

Now watch the video:

© ME!

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