dimanche 4 février 2018

ADVERB: Rather

Another way to express preference is the adverb RATHER. Here is the pattern we will use:

Which activity would you rather do?

Would you rather paraglide or skydive?

paragliding and skydiving
Possible answers:

I would rather paraglide. / I would rather skydive.

Now let's practice!

What would you rather do today?

Would you rather go to the beach, have a picnic, or go horseback riding?

go to the beach

go horseback riding

have a picnic

Where would you rather go for vacation?

Would you rather go to Italy, Hawaii, or Antarctica?



What job would you rather have?

Would you rather be a writer, a dancer, a veterinarian or a waitress?





What would you rather do on the week-end?

Would you rather sleep-in, bake a cake, or go for a walk in the woods?

Which instrument would you rather learn to play?

Would you like to learn to play piano,  guitar, trumpet, or drums (or none of them)?

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