lundi 5 février 2018


Words and phrases you need to get a taxi!

taxi = cab = taxi cab

- to call a cab / to call a taxi
- to book a taxi / to book a cab
- to hail a taxi / to hail a cab
- to flag down a cab / to flag down a taxi
- to find a taxi stand
- to take a cab / to take a taxi
- to be picked up
- to be dropped off


TO CALL (Can you call a cab?)
TO BE (I am at ... [location])
TO NEED ( I need a cab.)
TO WANT = but we say "I would  like ..." (I would like a cab.)
TO GO (I am going to ... [location])

Calling a cab by telephone:

C = cab
P = passenger

C: Hello. Milan Taxi.
P: Hi. I need a cab.
C: What's your location?
P: I'm at the Grand Hotel Milan.
C: What's your destination?
P: I'm going to Mario's Restaurant.
C: Great. What's the name?
P: Pfauwathel.
C: OK Mister Pfauwathel. The taxi will be there in 5 minutes.
P: Thanks.

Asking someone to call you a cab:

H = hotel manager
P = passenger

P: Hello. Can you please call me a cab?
Would you please call me a cab? I am going to ___________________ (your destination).
Could you schedule a cab for me? For tomorrow morning at 6am?

H: Sure. What's the name? Where are you going?
 ****** The cab will be here in 10 minutes.

Hailing a cab:

Questions to ask -
- Are you free?
- Are you available?
- Is there a flat fee to the airport?
- How much to go downtown? to the city center?

You may be asked -
- Where are you going?
- Where are you headed?
- What's your destination?
- How are you paying?

If you want to give a tip: - Keep the change.

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