Noun - a check-out
The dialog for the check-out is on a previous posting.
Watch the video here:
© ME!
Archives du blog
- Check-out
- Check-in
- Booking a hotel room
- The Alphabet Song
- Numbers 1 to 100
- What type of pipe?
- Find a kind rind
- How now brown cow?
- Breakfast at Lucie's - Take 1, 2 and 3
- Working in a restaurant - orders
- In a hotel - booking / checking in / asking questi...
- At a restaurant - Simple Menu for Beginning Students
- At a restaurant - in Norway!
- Hooray for Puppets!
- Poem - Four Ducks on a Pond
- SONG: Michelle by Paul McCartney
- TO HAVE: actions - The List!!
- At a restaurant / dans un restaurant
- TO HAVE (possession and action)
- TO BE - Être
- Expressing Emotions
- Vidéo - Apprenez les sons, les consonnes, en anglais
- Video - Apprendre l'anglais - introduction
mardi 30 janvier 2018
In English we have a special word for what you do when you go to a hotel - CHECK-IN.
Verb = to check in
Noun = a check-in
It took three attempts to make this short video! Watch the bloopers and then watch the third take.
The dialog for the check-in is on a previous posting.
Check-in Take 1
Check-in Take 2
Check-in Take 3
© ME!
Verb = to check in
Noun = a check-in
It took three attempts to make this short video! Watch the bloopers and then watch the third take.
The dialog for the check-in is on a previous posting.
Check-in Take 1
Check-in Take 2
Check-in Take 3
© ME!
Booking a hotel room
Booking a hotel room = Making a reservation at a hotel
VERBS - nouns
TO BOOK - a booking
TO RESERVE - a reservation
See the previous posting for the dialog to this video.
© ME!
VERBS - nouns
TO BOOK - a booking
TO RESERVE - a reservation
See the previous posting for the dialog to this video.
© ME!
The Alphabet Song
Sometimes you will need to spell a word in English. In English all of our letters have proper names. To spell a word you need to name the letter, not just make the sound.
Parfois, vous devrez épeler un mot en anglais. En anglais, toutes nos lettres ont des noms propres. Pour épeler un mot, vous devez nommer la lettre, pas seulement faire le son.
Children learn the names of the letters with a song - The Alphabet Song...
Parfois, vous devrez épeler un mot en anglais. En anglais, toutes nos lettres ont des noms propres. Pour épeler un mot, vous devez nommer la lettre, pas seulement faire le son.
Children learn the names of the letters with a song - The Alphabet Song...
dimanche 28 janvier 2018
Numbers 1 to 100
Numbers in English are not difficult. You just need to learn:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
and your decades
20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100
To make all the other number just combine:
20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 + 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 = 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, ... 96, 97, 98, 99
Watch this video to hear them:
This is how we write them:
one, two,
three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve
thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen
twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety
one hundred!
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
and your decades
20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100
To make all the other number just combine:
20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 + 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 = 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, ... 96, 97, 98, 99
Watch this video to hear them:
This is how we write them:
three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve
thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen
twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety
one hundred!
What type of pipe?
Let's practice saying the "YPE" or "IPE" that we find in these words:
I don't pay attention to all that hype.
Dom smokes a pipe.
Is that avocado ripe?
Can we Skype?
What type of pizza would you like?
Can you wipe the table?
Je ne fais pas attention à tout ce battage médiatique.
Dom fume une pipe.
Est-ce que cet avocat est mûr?
Pourrions-nous avoir une conversation sur Skype?
Quel type de pizza aimeriez-vous?
Pouvez-vous essuyer la table?
Let's practice with this sentence:
© ME!
I don't pay attention to all that hype.
Dom smokes a pipe.
Is that avocado ripe?
Can we Skype?
What type of pizza would you like?
Can you wipe the table?
Je ne fais pas attention à tout ce battage médiatique.
Dom fume une pipe.
Est-ce que cet avocat est mûr?
Pourrions-nous avoir une conversation sur Skype?
Quel type de pizza aimeriez-vous?
Pouvez-vous essuyer la table?
Let's practice with this sentence:
What type of pipe is she wiping?
Watch this short video with Dom and Colleen in a pipe shop.
© ME!
The answer:
She is wiping a Peterson pipe.
Find a kind rind
More pronunciation practice, this time with "IND" as in the words:
I'm in a bind. = Je suis dans une impasse.
We dined at Lucie's restaurant last night. = Nous avons dîné au restaurant de Lucie hier soir.
I can't find my glasses. = Je ne peux pas trouver mes lunettes.
Can you grind the meat? = Pouvez-vous broyer la viande?
The dog stood up on his hind legs. = Le chien se dressa sur ses pattes de derrière.
Lucie is a very kind girl. = Lucie est une fille très gentille.
The coat is lined in silk. = Le manteau est doublé de soie.
What's on your mind? = Qu'est-ce qui préoccupe votre esprit?
Please put the orange rind in the compost. = S'il vous plaît mettez la peau d'orange dans le compost.
They signed the cheque. = Ils ont signé le chèque.
He whined all through the meal. = Il a gémit tout au long du repas.
The road winds through the valley. = La route serpente à travers la vallée.
We will practice with the sentence:
I'm in a bind. = Je suis dans une impasse.
We dined at Lucie's restaurant last night. = Nous avons dîné au restaurant de Lucie hier soir.
I can't find my glasses. = Je ne peux pas trouver mes lunettes.
Can you grind the meat? = Pouvez-vous broyer la viande?
The dog stood up on his hind legs. = Le chien se dressa sur ses pattes de derrière.
Lucie is a very kind girl. = Lucie est une fille très gentille.
The coat is lined in silk. = Le manteau est doublé de soie.
What's on your mind? = Qu'est-ce qui préoccupe votre esprit?
Please put the orange rind in the compost. = S'il vous plaît mettez la peau d'orange dans le compost.
They signed the cheque. = Ils ont signé le chèque.
He whined all through the meal. = Il a gémit tout au long du repas.
The road winds through the valley. = La route serpente à travers la vallée.
We will practice with the sentence:
I want to find a kind rind.
Here is the sentence in Colleen's accent:
Here is the sentence in Dom's accent:
How now brown cow?
The "OW" sound in English is difficult for French speakers. So, let's practice using the question:
Here's Colleen speaking in a Canadian/American type accent:
Here's Dom speaking in an English/mid-Atlantic type accent:
How now brown cow?
Here's Colleen speaking in a Canadian/American type accent:
Here's Dom speaking in an English/mid-Atlantic type accent:
Breakfast at Lucie's - Take 1, 2 and 3
My student Lucie is preparing for her English exchange in Norway. I've made a series of short videos to help her with her work in Bergen.
Breakfast at Lucie's - Take 1
In Take 1, Colleen is up early. She is looking for a restaurant. She walks along a famous street in Bergen. She finds a new restaurant - Lucie's Restaurant. Is it open? Yes it is! The waiter gives her a menu and she orders an espresso. Do you notice something unusual in Lucie's restaurant? Have a look...
The Breakfast Menu:

& cheddar
smoked salmon,
poached egg
& hollandaise sauce
honey-glazed ham,
poached egg
& hollandaise sauce
Sourdough toast,
scrambled egg
& salmon
Sourdough toast,
small omelette
& tomato salad
Sourdough toast,
two fried eggs,
& baked tomato
Rye toast,
soft boiled egg,
and butter
Sourdough toast,
brown goat cheese,
blackcurrant compote
and butter
MÜSLI - 56
og solboer
Take 2: Ordering breakfast
Take 3: Asking for the bill
Breakfast at Lucie's - Take 1
In Take 1, Colleen is up early. She is looking for a restaurant. She walks along a famous street in Bergen. She finds a new restaurant - Lucie's Restaurant. Is it open? Yes it is! The waiter gives her a menu and she orders an espresso. Do you notice something unusual in Lucie's restaurant? Have a look...
The Breakfast Menu:

& cheddar
smoked salmon,
poached egg
& hollandaise sauce
honey-glazed ham,
poached egg
& hollandaise sauce
Sourdough toast,
scrambled egg
& salmon
Sourdough toast,
small omelette
& tomato salad

two fried eggs,
& baked tomato
Rye toast,
soft boiled egg,
and butter
Sourdough toast,
brown goat cheese,
blackcurrant compote
and butter
MÜSLI - 56
og solboer
Take 2: Ordering breakfast
Take 3: Asking for the bill
samedi 27 janvier 2018
Working in a restaurant - orders
I have a student who is preparing to work in Norway as a waitress as part of an English-language exchange program. This post will look at common phrases and specialized vocabulary needed for this sort of job.
Can you find the:
hot dog?
double-decker sandwich?
grilled sandwich?
Dealing with orders / Traiter les commandes
How do you like your steak?
Very, Very Rare = Bleu
Rare = Saignant
Medium-Rare = À point
Medium = Entre à point et bien cuit
Done = Très bien cuit [Ça n'existe pas en France]
How do you take your coffee?
Black = Noir
With Milk = avec lait
Milk and Sugar = avec lait et sucre
With Cream = avec crème
Cream and Sugar = avec crème et sucre
What kind of coffee would you like?
In English we actually use the Italian terms for specialized coffees...
En anglais, nous utilisons les termes italiens pour les cafés spécialisés ...
Espresso = café expresso
Caffè Americano = café américain
Cappuccino = cappuccino
Caffè Macciato = café macchiato
Caffè Doppio = double café
Caffè Freddo = café froid
What kind of beer would you like?
lager beer = bière blonde
pilsner beer = bière pilsner
stout = bière noir
wheat beer = bière de blé
draft beer = bière pression
What would you like on your pizza? / What type of pizza would you like?
What kind of sandwich would you like?
hot dog?
double-decker sandwich?
grilled sandwich?
What type of sandwich would you like?
![]() |
names of sandwiches |
![]() |
open faced sandwich |
![]() |
finger sandwiches |
What kind of soup / stew / sauce would you like?
What condiment would you like?
What kind of dessert would you like?
vendredi 26 janvier 2018
In a hotel - booking / checking in / asking questions / checking out
I have two students who would like to travel to stay in a hotel.
This post will help them to:
- book their room (make a reservation)
- check in
- ask questions about services at the hotel
- check out
This is a good dialog to practice:
- Is there...?
- Do you have...?
- I would like... We would like...
- May I have...?
- I will need...
Booking a room = Making a reservation
This conversation is by telephone.
H = hotel
T = traveller
H: Good Morning. Grand Hotel Milan.
T: Good Morning. I would like to make a reservation.
H: For what dates?
T: For November 5th and 6th. Do you have vacancies?
H: Yes, we have vacancies for those dates. For how many people?
T: For two people.
H: Would you like twin beds or a double bed?
T: We would like a room with a double bed.
H: The rate is 93 euros per night. Is that OK?
T: That is fine.
H: What name will the reservation be under?
T: Pfauwathel.
H: Can you spell that for me?
T: P - F - A - U - W - A - T - H - E - L.
H: Thank-you. May I have a phone number where you can be contacted?
T: Yes. 06 05 74 45 34.
H: Thank-you. I will need your credit card details to reserve the room.
T: Sure. My credit card number is 123456789.
H: What type of card is it?
T: It is a VISA card.
H: What is the name of the cardholder?
T: Jean Pfauwathel.
H: OK Mr. Pfauwathel. Your room is reserved for November 5th and 6th. Check-in time is 2pm.
T: Thank-you. We will arrive around 6pm.
H: Great. If you have any questions please contact us. See you in November!
T: Thanks.
H: Have a nice day.
T: You too. Good-bye.
H: Good-bye.
H: Good afternoon. Welcome to the Grand Hotel Milan. How may I help you?
T: I have a reservation for two nights.
H: What is the name?
T: Pfauwathel.
H: Can you spell that for me?
T: Sure. P - F - A - U - W - A - T - H - E - L.
H: Yes, you have a double room booked for two nights for two people. Is that correct?
T: Yes, it is.
H: Excellent. We have your credit card details already. I will just need your signature here please. The room will be 93 euros per night.
T: Sure. There you go.
H: We have a full Continental buffet every morning. It is included in the price.
T: Great.
H: Breakfast begins at 6am until 11am.
T: OK.
H: Do you have any allergies or special diet needs?
T: No.
H: Your room has a safe and free wifi. The instructions are in the room. There is also a mini-bar.
T: Great. Is there room service?
H: Yes, we have 24 hour room service. The menu is in the room.
T: Can I have a wake-up call?
H: Of course. What time?
T: I would like a wake-up call at 6am.
H: Here is your key. Your room number is 214. The elevator is there. Go to the second floor and turn to the left.
T: Thanks!
H: The bellboy will bring your bags in a moment. Please dial "0" if you need anything.
T: What time is check-out?
H: Check-out is at midday. Enjoy your stay!
T: Thank-you!
T: Hi. I would like to check-out.
H: Sure. Did you enjoy your stay with us?
T: Yes. It was great. We booked a taxi for the airport.
H: Yes. He will be here in ten minutes.
T: Great. How long does it take to get to the airport?
H: About 30 minutes by taxi.
T: Great.
H: Did you have anything from the mini-bar?
T: No.
H: OK. The bill comes to 186 euros. Will you pay with your VISA card?
T: Yes.
H: Please enter your PIN.
T: There you go.
H: Thank-you. Here is your receipt. Do you need help with your bags?
T: No, we are fine.
H: Your taxi has arrived. Enjoy your flight.
T: Thanks.
H: Have a nice day. We hope to see you again at the Grand Hotel Milan.
H: Bonjour. Grand Hôtel Milan.
T: Bonjour. Je voudrais faire une réservation.
H: Pour quelles dates?
T: Pour les 5 et 6 novembre. Avez-vous des postes vacants?
H: Oui, nous avons des postes vacants pour ces dates. Pour combien de personnes?
T: Pour deux personnes.
H: Aimeriez-vous des lits jumeaux ou un lit double?
T: Nous aimerions une chambre avec un lit double.
H: Le prix est de 93 euros par nuit. Est-ce que c'est OK?
T: C'est bien.
H: Quel nom sera la réservation sous?
T: Pfauwathel.
H: Pouvez-vous épeler ça pour moi?
T: P - F - A - U - W - A - T - H - E - L.
H: Merci. Puis-je avoir un numéro de téléphone où vous pouvez être contacté?
T: Oui. 06 05 74 45 34.
H: Merci. J'aurai besoin des détails de votre carte de crédit pour réserver la chambre.
T: Bien sûr. Mon numéro de carte de crédit est 123456789.
H: De quel type de carte s'agit-il?
T: C'est une carte VISA.
H: Quel est le nom du titulaire de la carte?
T: Jean Pfauwathel.
H: OK M. Pfauwathel. Votre chambre est réservée pour les 5 et 6 novembre. L'heure d'arrivée est 14 heures.
Merci. Nous arriverons vers 18h.
H: Super. Si vous avez des questions s'il vous plaît contactez-nous. À bientôt en novembre!
T: Merci.
H: Passez une bonne journée.
T: Toi aussi. Au revoir.
H: Au revoir.
H: Bonjour. Bienvenue au Grand Hotel Milan. Comment puis-je vous aider?
T: J'ai une réservation pour deux nuits.
H: Quel est le nom?
T: Pfauwathel.
H: Pouvez-vous épeler ça pour moi?
T: Bien sûr. P - F - A - U - W - A - T - H - E - L.
H: Oui, vous avez réservé une chambre double pour deux nuits pour deux personnes. Est-ce exact?
T: Oui, c'est vrai.
H: Excellent. Nous avons déjà vos coordonnées de carte de crédit. Je vais juste avoir besoin de votre signature ici s'il vous plait. La chambre sera de 93 euros par nuit.
T: Bien sûr. Voilà.
H: Nous avons un buffet continental complet tous les matins. Il est inclus dans le prix.
T: Super.
H: Le petit déjeuner commence à 6h du matin jusqu'à 11h.
T: OK.
H: Avez-vous des allergies ou des besoins alimentaires spéciaux?
T: Non.
H: Votre chambre dispose d'un coffre-fort et wifi gratuit. Les instructions sont dans la pièce. Il y a aussi un mini-bar.
T: Super. Y-a-t-il un service de chambre?
H: Oui, nous avons un service de chambre 24 heures. Le menu est dans la chambre.
T: Puis-je avoir un appel de réveil?
H: Bien sûr. Quelle heure?
T: Je voudrais un appel de réveil à 6h du matin.
H: Voici votre clé. Votre numéro de chambre est 214. L'ascenseur est là. Allez au deuxième étage et tournez à gauche.
T: Merci!
H: Le chasseur apportera vos sacs dans un instant. S'il vous plaît composer "0" si vous avez besoin de quoi que ce soit.
T: À quelle heure est le départ?
H: Check-out est à midi. Profitez de votre séjour!
T: Merci!
T: Salut. Nous allons régler avant de partir.
H: Bien sûr. Avez-vous aimé votre séjour avec nous?
T: Oui. C'était super. Nous avons réservé un taxi pour l'aéroport.
H: Oui. Il sera là dans dix minutes.
T: Super. Combien de temps faut-il pour se rendre à l'aéroport?
H: Environ 30 minutes en taxi.
T: Super.
H: Avez-vous quelque chose du mini-bar?
T: Non.
H: OK. La facture s'élève à 186 euros. Payerez-vous avec votre carte VISA?
T: Oui.
H: Veuillez entrer votre code PIN.
T: Voilà.
H: Merci. Voici votre reçu. Avez-vous besoin d'aide avec vos sacs?
T: Non, nous allons bien.
H: Votre taxi est arrivé. Appréciez votre vol.
T: Merci.
H: Passez une bonne journée. Nous espérons vous revoir au Grand Hotel Milan.
This post will help them to:
- book their room (make a reservation)
- check in
- ask questions about services at the hotel
- check out
This is a good dialog to practice:
- Is there...?
- Do you have...?
- I would like... We would like...
- May I have...?
- I will need...
Booking a room = Making a reservation
This conversation is by telephone.
H = hotel
T = traveller
H: Good Morning. Grand Hotel Milan.
T: Good Morning. I would like to make a reservation.
H: For what dates?
T: For November 5th and 6th. Do you have vacancies?
H: Yes, we have vacancies for those dates. For how many people?
T: For two people.
H: Would you like twin beds or a double bed?
T: We would like a room with a double bed.
H: The rate is 93 euros per night. Is that OK?
T: That is fine.
H: What name will the reservation be under?
T: Pfauwathel.
H: Can you spell that for me?
T: P - F - A - U - W - A - T - H - E - L.
H: Thank-you. May I have a phone number where you can be contacted?
T: Yes. 06 05 74 45 34.
H: Thank-you. I will need your credit card details to reserve the room.
T: Sure. My credit card number is 123456789.
H: What type of card is it?
T: It is a VISA card.
H: What is the name of the cardholder?
T: Jean Pfauwathel.
H: OK Mr. Pfauwathel. Your room is reserved for November 5th and 6th. Check-in time is 2pm.
T: Thank-you. We will arrive around 6pm.
H: Great. If you have any questions please contact us. See you in November!
T: Thanks.
H: Have a nice day.
T: You too. Good-bye.
H: Good-bye.
H: Good afternoon. Welcome to the Grand Hotel Milan. How may I help you?
T: I have a reservation for two nights.
H: What is the name?
T: Pfauwathel.
H: Can you spell that for me?
T: Sure. P - F - A - U - W - A - T - H - E - L.
H: Yes, you have a double room booked for two nights for two people. Is that correct?
T: Yes, it is.
H: Excellent. We have your credit card details already. I will just need your signature here please. The room will be 93 euros per night.
T: Sure. There you go.
H: We have a full Continental buffet every morning. It is included in the price.
T: Great.
H: Breakfast begins at 6am until 11am.
T: OK.
H: Do you have any allergies or special diet needs?
T: No.
H: Your room has a safe and free wifi. The instructions are in the room. There is also a mini-bar.
T: Great. Is there room service?
H: Yes, we have 24 hour room service. The menu is in the room.
T: Can I have a wake-up call?
H: Of course. What time?
T: I would like a wake-up call at 6am.
H: Here is your key. Your room number is 214. The elevator is there. Go to the second floor and turn to the left.
T: Thanks!
H: The bellboy will bring your bags in a moment. Please dial "0" if you need anything.
T: What time is check-out?
H: Check-out is at midday. Enjoy your stay!
T: Thank-you!
T: Hi. I would like to check-out.
H: Sure. Did you enjoy your stay with us?
T: Yes. It was great. We booked a taxi for the airport.
H: Yes. He will be here in ten minutes.
T: Great. How long does it take to get to the airport?
H: About 30 minutes by taxi.
T: Great.
H: Did you have anything from the mini-bar?
T: No.
H: OK. The bill comes to 186 euros. Will you pay with your VISA card?
T: Yes.
H: Please enter your PIN.
T: There you go.
H: Thank-you. Here is your receipt. Do you need help with your bags?
T: No, we are fine.
H: Your taxi has arrived. Enjoy your flight.
T: Thanks.
H: Have a nice day. We hope to see you again at the Grand Hotel Milan.
H: Bonjour. Grand Hôtel Milan.
T: Bonjour. Je voudrais faire une réservation.
H: Pour quelles dates?
T: Pour les 5 et 6 novembre. Avez-vous des postes vacants?
H: Oui, nous avons des postes vacants pour ces dates. Pour combien de personnes?
T: Pour deux personnes.
H: Aimeriez-vous des lits jumeaux ou un lit double?
T: Nous aimerions une chambre avec un lit double.
H: Le prix est de 93 euros par nuit. Est-ce que c'est OK?
T: C'est bien.
H: Quel nom sera la réservation sous?
T: Pfauwathel.
H: Pouvez-vous épeler ça pour moi?
T: P - F - A - U - W - A - T - H - E - L.
H: Merci. Puis-je avoir un numéro de téléphone où vous pouvez être contacté?
T: Oui. 06 05 74 45 34.
H: Merci. J'aurai besoin des détails de votre carte de crédit pour réserver la chambre.
T: Bien sûr. Mon numéro de carte de crédit est 123456789.
H: De quel type de carte s'agit-il?
T: C'est une carte VISA.
H: Quel est le nom du titulaire de la carte?
T: Jean Pfauwathel.
H: OK M. Pfauwathel. Votre chambre est réservée pour les 5 et 6 novembre. L'heure d'arrivée est 14 heures.
Merci. Nous arriverons vers 18h.
H: Super. Si vous avez des questions s'il vous plaît contactez-nous. À bientôt en novembre!
T: Merci.
H: Passez une bonne journée.
T: Toi aussi. Au revoir.
H: Au revoir.
H: Bonjour. Bienvenue au Grand Hotel Milan. Comment puis-je vous aider?
T: J'ai une réservation pour deux nuits.
H: Quel est le nom?
T: Pfauwathel.
H: Pouvez-vous épeler ça pour moi?
T: Bien sûr. P - F - A - U - W - A - T - H - E - L.
H: Oui, vous avez réservé une chambre double pour deux nuits pour deux personnes. Est-ce exact?
T: Oui, c'est vrai.
H: Excellent. Nous avons déjà vos coordonnées de carte de crédit. Je vais juste avoir besoin de votre signature ici s'il vous plait. La chambre sera de 93 euros par nuit.
T: Bien sûr. Voilà.
H: Nous avons un buffet continental complet tous les matins. Il est inclus dans le prix.
T: Super.
H: Le petit déjeuner commence à 6h du matin jusqu'à 11h.
T: OK.
H: Avez-vous des allergies ou des besoins alimentaires spéciaux?
T: Non.
H: Votre chambre dispose d'un coffre-fort et wifi gratuit. Les instructions sont dans la pièce. Il y a aussi un mini-bar.
T: Super. Y-a-t-il un service de chambre?
H: Oui, nous avons un service de chambre 24 heures. Le menu est dans la chambre.
T: Puis-je avoir un appel de réveil?
H: Bien sûr. Quelle heure?
T: Je voudrais un appel de réveil à 6h du matin.
H: Voici votre clé. Votre numéro de chambre est 214. L'ascenseur est là. Allez au deuxième étage et tournez à gauche.
T: Merci!
H: Le chasseur apportera vos sacs dans un instant. S'il vous plaît composer "0" si vous avez besoin de quoi que ce soit.
T: À quelle heure est le départ?
H: Check-out est à midi. Profitez de votre séjour!
T: Merci!
T: Salut. Nous allons régler avant de partir.
H: Bien sûr. Avez-vous aimé votre séjour avec nous?
T: Oui. C'était super. Nous avons réservé un taxi pour l'aéroport.
H: Oui. Il sera là dans dix minutes.
T: Super. Combien de temps faut-il pour se rendre à l'aéroport?
H: Environ 30 minutes en taxi.
T: Super.
H: Avez-vous quelque chose du mini-bar?
T: Non.
H: OK. La facture s'élève à 186 euros. Payerez-vous avec votre carte VISA?
T: Oui.
H: Veuillez entrer votre code PIN.
T: Voilà.
H: Merci. Voici votre reçu. Avez-vous besoin d'aide avec vos sacs?
T: Non, nous allons bien.
H: Votre taxi est arrivé. Appréciez votre vol.
T: Merci.
H: Passez une bonne journée. Nous espérons vous revoir au Grand Hotel Milan.
jeudi 25 janvier 2018
At a restaurant - Simple Menu for Beginning Students
I have two lovely adult students who are beginners. They are making super progress. After just four sessions they are ready for a conversation in a restaurant. This is a simplified menu I made for them.
Elodie's Cool Café
13 Larkin Lane, Couterne
Open for lunch from 10am to 3pm
Take-away available!
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Mozzarella Sticks |
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Antipasto Platter |
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Caesar Salad |
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Greek Salad |
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Hamburger |
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Chicken Burger |
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Pepperoni Pizza |
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Roasted Veggie Pizza |
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BLT (Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato) Sandwich |
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Grilled Cheese Sandwich |
Rolls & Wraps
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Hot Dog |
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Beef and Bean Burritos |
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Spaghetti & Meatballs |
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Steak & French Fries |
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Apple Pie |
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Chocolate Brownie with Chocolate Ice Cream |
Water, Sparkling Water
Orange Juice, Grapefruit Juice
Coca Cola, Pepsi
Beer, Wine (Red or White) by the glass
Coffee, Tea
At a restaurant - in Norway!
I have a young student who is preparing to go to Norway to improve her English. She will be working in a restaurant. I looked up typical dishes in restaurants in Bergen and devised this menu for her...
Mains [Main Courses] from the Sea
Mains Vegetarian
Mains Meat
Cheese Plates
Coffee, Espresso, Black tea, Mint tea, Still water, Sparkling water, Orange juice, Grapefruit juice, Apple juice, Coke, Pepsi, Fanta, Sprite
Beer on draft, Bottled beer, White wine, Red wine (by the glass or bottle)
Lucie's Restaurant
Østre Skostredet 5-7, 5017 Bergen
Monday - Saturday
16.00 to 24.00
Kitchen closes at 22.00
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Oysters with cucumbers & lime |
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Parma ham, olives & bread |
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Salted almonds |
Starters from the Sea
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Mussels with white wine, cream & herbs |
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King Crab with linguini, gremolata & herb butter |
Starters Meat
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Steak Tartar with egg, beets, & butter sauce |
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Pâté with toast |
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Bone Marrow with rye bread toast and parsley salad |
Mains [Main Courses] from the Sea
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Mussels, sour cream, white wine & herbs |
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Halibut with roasted fennel |
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Catch of the Day with capers & lemon |
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Cod with Savoy cabbage |
Mains Vegetarian
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Cashew & pea soup with fresh mint |
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Mushroom & carrot bourguignon |
Mains Meat
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Duck with beets, tarragon & mint |
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Veal with mushrooms, rice & peas |
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Entrecôte with green pepper sauce & French fries |
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Beef Bourguignon with mashed potatoes |
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Roasted potatoes |
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Root vegetables |
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Chocolate ganache with raspberries |
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Tiramisu |
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Lemon meringue cake |
Cheese Plates
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Large cheese plate with fruit |
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Small cheese plate with olives & chocolate |
Coffee, Espresso, Black tea, Mint tea, Still water, Sparkling water, Orange juice, Grapefruit juice, Apple juice, Coke, Pepsi, Fanta, Sprite
Beer on draft, Bottled beer, White wine, Red wine (by the glass or bottle)
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