samedi 27 janvier 2018

Working in a restaurant - orders

I have a student who is preparing to work in Norway as a waitress as part of an English-language exchange program. This post will look at common phrases and specialized vocabulary needed for this sort of job.

Dealing with orders / Traiter les commandes

How do you like your steak?

Very, Very Rare = Bleu
Rare = Saignant
Medium-Rare = À point
Medium = Entre à point et bien cuit 
Done = Très bien cuit [Ça n'existe pas en France]


How do you take your coffee? 

Black = Noir
With Milk = avec lait
Milk and Sugar = avec lait et sucre
With Cream = avec crème 
Cream and Sugar = avec crème et sucre

What kind of coffee would you like? 

In English we actually use the Italian terms for specialized coffees...
En anglais, nous utilisons les termes italiens pour les cafés spécialisés ...

Espresso = café expresso
Caffè Americano = café américain
Cappuccino = cappuccino
Caffè Macciato = café macchiato
Caffè Doppio = double café
Caffè Freddo = café froid

What kind of beer would you like?

lager beer = bière blonde
pilsner beer = bière pilsner
stout = bière noir
wheat beer = bière de blé
draft beer = bière pression

What would you like on your pizza? / What type of pizza would you like?


What kind of sandwich would you like?

Can you find the:

hot dog?

double-decker sandwich?



grilled sandwich?



What type of sandwich would you like? 

names of sandwiches

open faced sandwich

finger sandwiches

What kind of soup / stew / sauce would you like?

What condiment would you like? 

What kind of dessert would you like? 

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