take this woman
to be
your lawfully-wedded wife?
Do you take this man to be your lawfully-wedded husband?
Answer to both questions is:
I do!
I do = Oui!
Do you...?
Cela indique qu'une question suivra. N'essayez pas de le traduire.
Voici quelques phrases clés:
Do you have a minute? = Avez-vous une minute?
Sure. What's up?
Do you have the time? [What time is it?] = Quelle heure est-il?
Yes. It's 9:30.
Yes. It's 9:30.
Do you know him? = Est-ce-que tu le connais?
Yes, I do.
I know him.
Do you know the answer? = Savez-vous la réponse?
Yes, I do.
I know the answer.
Do you work here? = Est-ce que tu travailles ici?
Yes, I do.
I work here.
Do you like spicy food? = Aimes-tu la nourriture épicée?
Yes, I do.
I like spicy food.
Do you need help? = As-tu besoin d'aide?
Yes, I do.
I need help.
Do you know where the bank is? = Savez-vous où se trouve la banque?
It's just down the street on the right.
It's just down the street on the right.
Do you have a license to drive? = Avez-vous une permis pour conduire?
Do you drink coffee? = Bois-tu du café?
Yes, I do.
I drink coffee.
Do you take your coffee black or with cream and sugar? = Prenez-vous votre café noir ou avec de la crème et du sucre?
I take my coffee black.
Do you want something to drink? = Voulez-vous quelque chose à boire?
Sure. I would like to have a beer.
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