dimanche 4 mars 2018

Simple Present - le présent simple en anglais

Tout ce qu'il y a à savoir sur le présent simple.

What does it look like? / Comment écrire?

Just the verb - but He/She/It = verb+s

I drink coffee every morning.
You drink "
He/She drinks "
We drink "
You drink "
They drink "

If a verb ending in consonant + y

I try hard at work.
You try
He/She tries
We try
You try
They try

If a verb ending in vowel + y

I play piano every day.
You play
He/she plays
We play
You play
They play


I don't try hard at work.
You don't try
He/she doesn't try
We don't try
You don't try
They don't try


Do I try hard at work?
Do you try?
Does he/she try?
Do we try?
Do you try?
Do they try?

Use for / Utiliser pour:

faits généraux - things that are facts, true stuff

I eat a lot of spinach.
You watch a lot of TV.
He sings well.
She dances badly.
The sun rises in the east. 
We work at the supermarket.
You play guitar.
They go to church.

actions habituelles - habitual actions / actions répétées - actions that are repeated

I eat pizza every Friday night.

dire à quelle fréquence - to say how often something occurs 

  • always
  • usually, generally, habitually
  • every day, twice a week, three times a day
  • sometimes
  • often, frequently
  • seldom, occasionally, once in a while
  • never

parler d'une séquence / to talk about a sequence

first... then

sentiments - to express feelings

I feel fine.
I am well.
I love this song.

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