jeudi 1 mars 2018

Top 10 irregular verbs

Try to think of normal sample sentences. Then try to think of really stupid or funny sentences.

SAY, said, said

The children say their prayers before going to bed.
He said something to me but I couldn't hear him.
I have said many times that it would not work.

I say "Hooray!" every day. 
He said "Hooray" yesterday.
They have said "Hooray" once or twice before.

GO, went, gone

She goes for a walk every day.
She went for a walk yesterday.
She has gone for a walk every day this week.

The cow goes "moo" every morning when she wakes up.
The dog went "woof woof woof" all night long.
The cat has gone and won't come back. (It must be because of the dog's barking). 

COME, came, come

I usually come to work at 9am.
I came to work yesterday at 8:30.
I have come as early at 8am.

He comes to see me because he wants to learn English.
She came to have English lessons for a couple of months.
They have come for a few lessons but they quit because they are lazy.

KNOW, knew, known

I know the answer to that question.
He thought he knew the answer but he didn't.
I have known people who thought that was a great idea. 

He knows how to bake a cake.
She knew when the party was but she came late.
I have known people who didn't know how to skate.

GET, got, gotten

I get down from time to time.
I got a new bike for my birthday.
I have gotten sick every winter for the last few years.

He always gets a coffee on the way to work.
She got a box a donuts and gave some to him.
They have gotten sick before when they have eaten an entire box of donuts. 

GIVE, gave, given

I give blood twice a year.
I gave blood last October.
I have given blood for the last decade.

I give food to my cat every day.
My cat gave me a scratch yesterday.
He has given me so many scratches!

BECOME, became, become

I become angry when I hear about Donald Trump's tweets.
I became very angry yesterday when I read about that stupid tweet.
I have become furious just reading the news this year.

I become happy when the sun is shining.
I became sad when it rained yesterday.
I have become sleepy during that guy's lectures.

FIND, found, found

I find it easy to get up early in the morning.
I found my glasses on the floor.
I have found my glasses in some strange places.

I find cat hair everywhere.
I found cat hair in my bed this morning.
I have even found cat hair in my coffee!

THINK, thought, thought

I think that's a great idea.
I thought he was a nice person, but he's a psycho.
I had thought of getting a car but now I can't be bothered.

I think he is nasty.
I thought he was nasty. 
I have thought a lot about his nastiness.

SEE, saw, seen

I see him pass by every day.
I saw her walking in the park yesterday.
I have seen him shopping at Viveco.

I see the birds flying.
I saw the birds fly.
I have seen the birds on the wing.

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