jeudi 6 décembre 2018

Telling time

One of my students is learning about time in her English class at school.
I want to take that knowledge a bit further, so here's a lesson and some questions about:


Telling time in English is very similar to telling time in French. Let's look at some simple examples:

The simplest way to tell the time in English is to just say the numbers.

What time is it?
It is seven forty eight.

The only difference in French would be the addition of "heure": 
Il est 7 heure 48.

The problem for English speakers comes after 12 noon or midday.
We have trouble thinking about time as 24 hours.
We prefer to use 1 to 12 in the morning and
1 to 12 in the evening.

How do you say this in English?

It is 11am.

It is 11 o'clock.

It is 11 in the morning.

How do you say this in English?

It is 11pm.

It is 11 o'clock at night.

This is where English people have trouble.
It feels weird to say "It is 23 hundred hours."
It seems like something soldiers or police would say.

So when English people see this, they usually just say:

It's 11pm.

Whereas a French person would just use the 24 hour clock: Il est 23h00.

How do you say this in English?

It is ten thirty. (USA)

It is half past ten. (UK)

It is half past ten in the morning. (am)

It is half past ten in the evening. (pm)

Which is most common?

It is ten thirty.

"Half past" sounds a bit old fashioned to people outside of the UK.

How do you say this in English?

It's 5 after 11. (USA)

It's 5 past 11. (UK)

It's 11 - oh - 5pm. 

It's 11:56. (USA)

It's 4 minutes to 12. (USA)

It is almost 12. (UK)

How can you be precise or approximate about the time?

Using the pictures above...

It is exactly 11:05pm.
It is 11:05 on the dot.
See you at 11:05pm on the dot. 

It's about 12. 
It's 12-ish.
See you around 12. 
See you 12-ish.

Which clock do you prefer? 

A regular clock

A digital clock

A clock with Roman numerals

A clock with no numbers

How do you say it is midday?
It's 12 noon.
How do you say it is 12am in the morning?
It is midnight.
How do you say it is 12pm at night?
It is midnight.


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