mardi 11 décembre 2018

Pet food recalls

I love my dog. 

I want to give him the best food.

When my dog eats all his food, I know he likes it.

Sometimes I give my dog treats. 

I use treats to train him.

Sometimes I give him dental sticks. They help clean his teeth.

I give him good food and treats, so that he will be healthy.
We all want our dogs to be healthy and happy.

Unfortunately, pet food and treats may NOT be good for your pet.

Every year, pet food brands are recalled.

They might make your pet sick.

What was wrong with the pet food?

Some food had bacteria in it!

Some food had plastic in it!

Some food had rat poison in it!

So, how do I know what food is safe for my dog?

Read reviews about the best brands of dog food.

Ask your vet.

Give your dog fresh food.

Did you know...?
Some foods that we eat are also good for dogs.

some people food is dangerous for dogs!

stay tuned for next week's blog: 
What food can I share with my dog?

See you next week!

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