jeudi 29 novembre 2018

Wild Animals - Amazing Dolphins

Dolphins are 

So let's learn about dolphins!

What do you already know about dolphins?
What color are they?

Most dolphins are grey. 

Light grey.

Dark grey.

Are dolphins fish or mammals? 

Dolphins are mammals.
They give birth to babies like humans do. 

Dolphins breath air like humans do. 

Where do dolphins live?

Dolphins live in the ocean.

But they also live in rivers.

The Amazon River Dolphin is pink!
Isn't he cute?

Dolphins live all over the world.

Do dolphins like people?

They like to approach people.

Dolphins have had a relationship with people for a long time.

There are frescoes of dolphins from Minoan civilization. 
That was earlier than Ancient Greece - 
more than 4,000 years ago!

Dolphins in ancient times liked to follow fishermen.
Maybe they gave the dolphins fish?
Some people think they helped the fishermen find fish!

Today, some people work with dolphins.
They train dolphins and study them. 

Look at some pictures of dolphins with trainers.
What do you see?

What have scientists discovered about dolphins?

Scientists have discovered many things about dolphins.

Yes, they are even smarter than you thought!

How smart are they?

Look at some of the things that dolphins can do:

Dolphins can learn to follow hand signals.

Dolphins use shells to catch fish.

Dolphins protect their noses with sponges.
(They don't want to cut their noses on rocks when they look for fish on the bottom of the sea.)

Dolphins even teach each other tricks!

Like how to do a tail walk!

Dolphins can even see themselves in a mirror.

They know that they are looking at themselves.
Most animals cannot do this.

Dolphins have even rescued people from drowning.
They have protected people from shark attack.

More fun facts about dolphins...

Dolphins not only like people.
They also are friendly with dogs and cats.
Don't believe it?

In Ireland there is a dog who is friends with a dolphin.
Look at these pictures:

Watch this video:

 Dog swims with dolphin

The dog and the dolphin are friends.

The dolphin will even carry the dog to shore when he is tired.

Dolphins even like cats!
Watch this video:

 Cat and dolphin

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