dimanche 29 septembre 2019

2nde - new topic

Topic 1 was:
Traditions from 5 Anglophone Countries
Axe 8: The past in the present

Topic 2 will be:
How do you relate to others?
Axe 4: Self-representation and relationship to others

1. Teen Fashion in France 2019
- what are the styles and trends?
- what is your style?
- why do you like your style?

2. Extreme Fashions 2019
- what are extreme fashion trends?
- what do you think about tattooing, piercing, crazy hair colors, etc?

3. Who are you: Introvert or Extrovert?
- Are you introvert or extrovert?
- What are the characteristics of each?
- What are the benefits and disadvantages of each?

4. Virtual You
- What social media do you use?
- How do you represent yourself on social media?
- What are the benefits and dangers of your virtual representation?

5. Family Life
- Is family life important to you? Why?
- Describe an ideal family life.

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