dimanche 23 décembre 2018

English Lesson - learning styles and more

Why is English important?
In many other countries, they speak English.
Working today in business or science often requires us to speak English.
We need to speak English when we work with people from English-speaking countries.
Also, people from non-English speaking countries use English as the principal language of business today.

What countries speak English as their primary language?
America, India, Canada, England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales (the UK). 
Some other examples are:
South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Ireland, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Zimbabwe.

Wales is pronounced like the word for baleine - whales. You say it like: Way-ills

What non-English speaking countries use English as their international business language?
China, Japan, Germany, Scandinavian countries, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brazil.


What are the five senses?

Seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching.

Which senses do we use most when we learn? Seeing and hearing

Which sense do you use most to learn? Seeing

So, you are a visual learner. 
Visual learners learn best by seeing.

Auditory learners learn best by listening.
Visual learners need to work on their listening skills.

Skills = compétences

Visual learners are usually good at spelling in English.
This is because English spelling is strange. It does not always look the way it sounds.
For example, the word listen has a t, but you don't say it.
A visual learner would learn to spell this word by looking at it. So they would spell it correctly.
An auditory learner would hear the word and spell it like this: lissen. Because that is how it sounds. This spelling is incorrect, but it gives you a better idea of how to say the word that the actual spelling does.



Computers can help us to learn English in many ways:

  • if we make a spelling mistake they underline the word in red
  • they auto-correct typos
  • we can save and edit our work 
  • we can look up things on the Internet
One of the most useful tools on the Internet is a translation site.
Two of the best translation tools are:


You should add these tools to your bookmark bar or favorites bar.
When in doubt, look up words with an online translation tool! It is fast and very useful.

Laptops have different keyboards.
English and international keyboards use QWERTY. They look like this:

French keyboards use AZERTY. They look like this:


Infinitive verbs in English

In French, infinitive verbs are just one word. 
In English, they are usually two words - to + the verb.

For example:

to like = aimer
to be = être
to have = avoir
to make = faire
to break = casser
to look = regarder

But, it is very common in English to have a verb phrase using prepositions and other words.

For example, if you want to do some research on the Internet, we would say in English - I will look it up on the Internet. So the infinitive is:

to look [something] up = rechercher

For example:

Student: What does that word mean, Colleen?
Colleen: Why don't you look it up on the Internet?

This can be confusing, because a simple English verb can be used in many different verbal phrases and they all have completely different meanings. There is no connection between the verbs.

For example, the verb to give = donner.
But we can combine with other words to get new meanings.

to give up = abandonner
to give up [something]
= to give up smoking = d'arrêter de fumer
= to give up chocolate = d'arrêter de manger le chocolat, arrêter le chocolat, renoncer le chocolat...

dimanche 16 décembre 2018

Your daily routine

Think about your own daily routine.

What activities make up your daily routine?

Use this model to write a short paragraph:

In the morning, I

In the afternoon, I

In the evening, I

At night, I

samedi 15 décembre 2018

A kid's daily routine

Look at the daily routine of this girl.

Write a sentence about each action.
When does she do each routine?
Are some routines repeated during the day?


Look at the daily routine of this boy.
Write a short paragraph about his daily routine.
Which routines do you do?
Which activities are not a part of your daily routine?

Look at this girl's daily routine.

Write a short paragraph about her daily routine.
What parts of her daily routine are missing?

Look at this morning and afternoon checklist.
Read each activity aloud.

Which activities are part of your daily routine?

An adult's daily routine

Daily Routines

Look at the following chart.
Read aloud each activity in this man's daily routine.

Using full sentences, 
write a short paragraph describing the daily routine of this man.

Which activities are part of your daily routine?

Which activities from your daily routine are not included?

Is there anything missing from this daily routine?

Healthy foods for dogs

But don't worry. There are lots of people food that are very healthy. You can share them with your dog. 

Meat: Cooked chicken, turkey, and lean beef + cooked eggs.


Fruit: apple slices...


Rice - white or brown
Cooked salmon
Plain yogurt
Peanut butter

Dangerous foods for dogs

As I said in my last post, I love my dog!
My husband loves him too!

I want to make sure he is healthy and happy.
So, I like to prepare special food for him to eat. 

Dogs are omnivores, which means they eat more than just meat.
They can eat many of the vegetables, fruit, seeds, and other foods that we eat.

But be careful! Some human food is dangerous for dogs.

Look at the following photos. 
Can you name all of these dangerous foods in English? 
Make a list.
You should have 30 items on your final list.

1, 2, 3
Three of the most dangerous foods for dogs. 

4, 5, 6, 7
What new dangerous foods can you spot?

This product can kill your dog!

The skin and the pit of this fruit is very dangerous for dogs.

10, 11, 12

Can you spot three new dangers?

Popcorn is OK for dogs, so what has been added that makes it bad?

Hint: People in England love to drink this.

What kind of drinks are these? _________ drinks

What do French fries, onion rings and chicken wings have in common? They are all _________ foods.

The dog is thinking about eating this. What is it? Why do you think it is bad for your dog?

Not so bad for your dog, but no real nutrition here either.

Not a common fruit. Do you know its name? It is good for you but bad for your dog. 

Why are these bones bad for your dog?

The slices are good, but something here is bad...

Yes, dogs love it, but they can't digest it. Limit your dog to small amounts of this food.

This sugary treat is bad for you and bad for your dog.

Some herbs are good for your dog, but this is bad. It is related to onions and garlic and leeks. 

This bacon contains a lot of ______. It is bad for your dog. 

26, 27

These two fruit contain dangerous pits. 

Dogs like the taste of this but they need very little in their diets. 

When you go shopping for this, don't buy any for your dog! This __________________ contains a lot of ____________________.

Yeah, we love it and dogs will eat it, but it is bad for them. Why?


  1. Chocolate
  2. Grapes
  3. Onions
  4. Beer and other alcohol
  5. Coffee
  6. Nuts, especially macadamia nuts
  7. Garlic
  8. Sugar-free gum
  9. Avocado
  10. Tomatoes
  11. Mushrooms
  12. Raisins
  13. Popcorn with butter and salt
  14. Tea
  15. Energy drinks
  16. Fried food
  17. Yeast dough
  18. Pasta
  19. Persimmons
  20. Cooked bones
  21. Apple seeds and stems
  22. Cheese
  23. Chewing gum
  24. Chives 
  25. Fat
  26. Peaches
  27. Plums
  28. Salt
  29. Candy (Sugary foods)
  30. Pizza (and any food that has garlic, onions added)

Why are these foods bad for dogs? 

Some foods are toxic or poisonous for dogs.

Some are just bad for your dog's health.
Caffeine, sugar, fat, and salt are bad for your dog, but they are also bad for people.

But don't worry. There are lots of people food that are very healthy. You can share them with your dog. See the next post to find out what people food is good for your dog.

mardi 11 décembre 2018

Pet food recalls

I love my dog. 

I want to give him the best food.

When my dog eats all his food, I know he likes it.

Sometimes I give my dog treats. 

I use treats to train him.

Sometimes I give him dental sticks. They help clean his teeth.

I give him good food and treats, so that he will be healthy.
We all want our dogs to be healthy and happy.

Unfortunately, pet food and treats may NOT be good for your pet.

Every year, pet food brands are recalled.

They might make your pet sick.

What was wrong with the pet food?

Some food had bacteria in it!

Some food had plastic in it!

Some food had rat poison in it!

So, how do I know what food is safe for my dog?

Read reviews about the best brands of dog food.

Ask your vet.

Give your dog fresh food.

Did you know...?
Some foods that we eat are also good for dogs.

some people food is dangerous for dogs!

stay tuned for next week's blog: 
What food can I share with my dog?

See you next week!


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