dimanche 29 septembre 2019

1ére - new topic

Topic 1: Greta Thunberg, Climate Activist
Axe 1: Identity and Exchanges

Topic 2: Science can improve the world
Axe 6: Scientific innovation and responsibility

1. Can e-vehicles save the planet?
2. Cows in forests, not in fields
3. Fuel from fatbergs
4. The Impossible Burger
5. Where do all the diapers go?

2nde - new topic

Topic 1 was:
Traditions from 5 Anglophone Countries
Axe 8: The past in the present

Topic 2 will be:
How do you relate to others?
Axe 4: Self-representation and relationship to others

1. Teen Fashion in France 2019
- what are the styles and trends?
- what is your style?
- why do you like your style?

2. Extreme Fashions 2019
- what are extreme fashion trends?
- what do you think about tattooing, piercing, crazy hair colors, etc?

3. Who are you: Introvert or Extrovert?
- Are you introvert or extrovert?
- What are the characteristics of each?
- What are the benefits and disadvantages of each?

4. Virtual You
- What social media do you use?
- How do you represent yourself on social media?
- What are the benefits and dangers of your virtual representation?

5. Family Life
- Is family life important to you? Why?
- Describe an ideal family life.

dimanche 22 septembre 2019

Describing a process - Step-by-step

Step-by-step Breakfast

Gather what you need:

Get ...         from ...

... the milk        ... the fridge

... the cereal      ... the cupboard

... some sugar   ... the cupboard

... a spoon         ... the drawer

... a bowl           ... the cupboard

Make your breakfast:

Put the bowl on the table

Put the spoon on the table

Pour the cereal into the bowl

Pour the milk into the bowl

Eat your cereal

Solar Panels

How solar panels work - step by step

samedi 21 septembre 2019

Quiz - clothes and likes

Quiz: Clothes and Likes

NAME:________________ and CLASS:_______________

Use complete sentences.

1. Tell me about five things you are wearing. 

2. Tell me about five things you like.

3. Tell me about five things you like to do.

4. Tell me about five activities that you like. 


dimanche 15 septembre 2019


Paralympics 2020