mercredi 3 avril 2019

Dialogue: Are you going to Samuel's party?

Hi, ___ . I phoned you yesterday afternoon but you didn't answer.

Sorry ___, I was playing football. I saw the missed call but I didn't have a chance to call you back. What's up?

Nothing much. I was just wondering if you were going to Samuel's party on Saturday.

Yeah. It should be fun. I think everyone will be going.

Did you buy him a birthday present yet?

No. Have you?

Not yet, but I was thinking about something funny for his new car. Like a cleaning kit. You know how obsessed he is about keeping his car clean.

Yeah, that would be funny. 

What are you going to buy him?



I'm not going to buy him anything.


No, I'm going to bake him a strawberry cheesecake. It's his favorite!

Yummy! I love strawberry cheesecake!

If you're lucky, maybe he will share.

I hope so! So, see you at the party on Saturday!

Yeah, see you!



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